
Meaning of Planetary Aspects in Astrology

By Kapiel Raaj







Each planet in Vedic astrology has a special meaning when they aspect a house or planet. They exert a certain kind of influence upon them. Below are planets and the meaning of their aspect.

Sun: When the Sun aspects, it shows straightforward direction. It gives an authoritative influence upon the planet or house. It can show where the person will have responsibility, and give clear direction without wasting time.

Moon: The Moon’s aspect on other planets and houses shows a sense of comfort and welcoming nature. Such an aspect will give a kind and motherly influence filled with emotions.

Mercury: Aspect from Mercury shows where we like to engage, communicate, and gather information. It makes the planet or house a source of networking, communication, and knowledge with analytical skills.

Venus: Venus’ aspect on other planets and houses gives a pleasant feeling and desire. We gain a strong sense of finding happiness from those things.

Mars: Mars aspect shows a straight shooter. The planet or house becomes a direct type of environment. They want to take actions towards those things which are aspected by Mars. They are straightforward with aggressive behavior.

Jupiter: Jupiter’s aspect shows where we feel the need to learn and grow as an individual. It shows our desire to achieve a higher level of knowledge in our physical and spiritual life. Jupiter is known as “blessings from the sky.” Jupiter’s aspect saves a planet from giving negative results. It either neutralizes the negative result, or reverses it into positive territory. Jupiter’s ability to expand can increase the positive or negative feeling of the planet.

Saturn: Saturn’s aspect shows where we have to focus our attention. Its influence shows where we have to practice the most discipline in order to reap the results of our labor. This is why Saturn’s aspect becomes the most important. This aspect also brings fear and anxiety, since we feel so much responsibility in life towards those houses.

Rahu: Rahu’s aspect shows where we need to expand, conquer, and achieve. In relation to aspect, Rahu acts like Mars. It has an obsession with things that it aspects, and it must achieve its goals to fulfill its hunger. The reason why Rahu is truly like Saturn is because it brings fear towards those things as well. Rahu puts a wrapper of illusion or foreign element upon the planets he aspects or the houses he aspects. Foreign element simply means things we do not understand or are unfamiliar with.

Ketu: Ketu’s aspect on planets show a sense of separation and a desire to get away. Since Ketu shows our mastery over the things we have already accomplished in past lives, its conjunction, placement, and aspect shows where we feel the least amount of responsibility. At the same time, one has the ambition to experience those things again.

Rahu and Ketu are illusionary planets, or better eclipse points of the Moon. Below is their aspect which is similar to Jupiter.

Rahu Ketu Aspects:

The original scriptures of Jyotish written by Maha Rishi Prashara never talks about the aspects of Rahu and Ketu since they are blind planets and do not have light. You cannot see them in the sky like other physical bodies. However, you also have to understand that Prashara Hora Shastra, the written text of original astrology, is an incomplete book in itself. The book wasn’t a manual from A-Z. It was a code breaking text which required higher intuitive powers to comprehend this divine science. He left it incomplete because he wanted the rest of the information, which was just as valuable as the physical written text, to be accessed by the chosen ones. Those individuals practice extensive sadhna (meditation) and live a sawtic lifestyle. Such sadhna exposed more information about Jyotish later in the timeline of India. Rishi Bhrigu wrote about the aspects of Rahu and Ketu in “Bhrigu Samitha.”.

The reason why the 5th and 9th House aspect has been assigned to Rahu and Ketu is due to their karmic effect. Rahu and Ketu show our past life karmas; of what we achieved and failed to achieve, and what we are to accomplish in this lifetime. The 5th House is the house of past life deeds and karma, while the 9th House shows the deeds and karma of this lifetime.

When I first started practicing Vedic astrology, and looked at people’s chart without using the aspects, I was running into problems, including the interpretation of my own horoscope. Once I found out about aspects from a noteworthy astrologer, everything started to make sense; why certain careers were chosen, why marriages took place, and why parental relationships were so important.

Example 4: Rahu

The image shows Rahu in the 2nd House giving his aspect upon the 6th House, 8th House, and 10th House. Ketu does the same in Example 5.

Example 5: Ketu

I want to discuss an additional fascinating theory about Rahu/Ketu aspects. Many astrologers in South India and some in North India believe that Rahu/Ketu also aspect the 12th place from themselves. This means Rahu in the 2nd House will also aspect the ascendant, as in the 12th place from the 2nd House. After finding out about this theory through one of my followers, I began reviewing new and old charts. The theory fascinated me quite a bit as it made sense in 8 out of 10 horoscopes.

Does this mean I firmly believe that these shadow planets aspect the 12th House from themselves? Not yet. Only after reviewing 500 or more horoscopes can one can come to a concrete decision about their aspects. I will be doing such research, and might update my theory on these aspects, but wanted to mention them in this book for your personal knowledge. Remember, don’t look at your horoscope on a regular basis, just once every 6 months or so. Better yet, if you remember the chart, just judge it in your mind.

For now, only the 5th, 7th, and 9th aspects are valid.

Orb Effect in Aspects:

There are many methods of studying aspects. You will find astrologers who use a full house orb aspect versus a 10-15 degree orb aspect. What do I mean by orb? Think of an orb like a flashlight in the hands of a planet that is looking over to another house. There would be intense light in the center, while the sides would fade out, however, you will still see the entire house.

Example 6:

You can see how Mars’ aspect works. There is an intense head or aspect in the middle, while the sides are lighter. This shows that even though Mars has a 100% aspect on the entire house, the middle aspects are intensified.

What do I mean by middle aspect? Well, this depends upon the degree where Mars is placed. If Mars is at 10 degrees in any sign, then it would show an intense aspect to the other house between 5-10 degrees, while the rest would be less intense.

To learn more about the secrets of aspect check out my book Aspects @ the speed of light on my website under shop section.